
Kontaktní informace

+ 420 733 108 557


AMADEUS Design s.r.o.
Újezd 28, 118 00  Praha 1

Your frequently asked questions

Information is essential. Each project is unique and distinctive, but some questions are often repeated. Find out how I work, or read my client’s most frequently asked questions (FAQs) so you too can sleep easy. Here are the answers to some of the frequently asked questions.

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Order can be found in the contacts section. Just fill in the order here and send it. Alternatively, you can place your order via email. Without an order I cannot start working on the order. It is a guarantee for both parties and a prerequisite for a mutually satisfied cooperation. The order is binding and has the same weight as an order sent by post.

What is marketing analysis and what is it used for

As a standard, I send clients a marketing analysis before the actual project is implemented.
The creation of all company materials (whether it is promotional materials, logo design or website) does not start with a graphic design, as it might seem at first glance, but with an analysis of the project.

If the project is to be truly "tailor-made", it is necessary to first learn as much information as possible about the company's operations, its needs, requirements and the expectations of its customers. This is what a marketing analysis is for, as it gives a more detailed insight into the client's business.

Is it worth working with me?

Yes it pays, especially if:

  • you are looking for stable and long-term quality services
  • you are looking for a professional with whom you can solve your graphic needs comprehensively - from logo to web and 3D visualization
  • you prefer reliability, professionalism, flexibility and easy agreement
  • you would like someone with empathy for your needs - I will try to accommodate you and, if necessary, adapt to your requirements
  • you are looking for a person who will not turn their back on you when solving problems -  unfortunately this is part of life and business, if a problem arises I will try to solve it to your satisfaction
  • you want a person who will be able to function as a member of your team - email, phone, skype, conferences, project software, all of these can help you

We won't work well together if:

  • you don't know what you want, but you want it fast
  • you are looking for the cheapest solution
  • if you don't accept that you need to be paid for your work
  • you don't keep your commitments
  • you do not communicate

What will I gain by permanent cooperation

Permanent or long-term cooperation is the most mutually beneficial, both in terms of a unified and tested view of the matter and in terms of communication, certainty and greater trust or the possibility of using superior services. However, I am not opposed to any form of cooperation, including occasional cooperation or one-off orders.

Superior service

I take due care of long-term and regular clients. The advantages include quick ordering by phone, the possibility of priority and express order execution at the standard price, the possibility of free printing or finishing, better pricing and invoicing options and other advantages that make the client's cooperation more pleasant.

Prices of services

Prices for individual services naturally vary, so flat prices cannot be set. For regular clients, individual arrangements can be made. I will be happy to prepare a price calculation for your project.

However, if you want at least a basic overview, you can download the info brochure, where indicative prices are listed.




I will be happy to give you a specific price based on your requirements. Feel free to email me

What documents to provide?

For the preparation of printed materials to be printed, it is necessary to supply high quality materials in high resolution (preferably 300 dpi), or vector materials AI, EPS. For web pages, lower resolution (72 dpi) is sufficient. If the graphics are to be printed, it is not enough to send a word document with images - these images are not of sufficient quality and are not suitable for printing.
It is good to have an approximate idea of the result (colour, format, amount of text, number of pages, etc.), or send some sample of the style you want to adapt the graphics to, whether it is for printed materials or the web. For larger jobs and a two-sided idea of the result, I will ask you to fill out a marketing analysis.

You can supply files in the following standard formats: jpg, gif, tif, png, doc, xls, psd, pdf, indd, logos and vector documents in ai or eps. If you don't have good quality documents, I can also select and download them from commercial photo banks.

To prepare the model it is ideal to have supporting documents such as floor plans and elevations in source data (usually DWG or PDF). It is also good to have some sections and ideally a plot of the location on the property. For around the house, it is definitely a good idea to send the K.U. and parcel number (and possibly DSP documentation). For a realistic setting of the visualization in a real photo then ideally also photos from a drone.

What is a sketch fee

The sketch fee is a certain amount that covers at least the minimum time and work invested in the project (about 25-30% of the total price of the contract).

I don't go into tenders without a sketch fee due to my experience.
If the result has to look like something and the design has to have a telling value, then one has to devote some time and effort to it. So paying the minimum cost (sketch fee) should be a given, unfortunately it is not always the case.

The client can get an idea of the quality through references, number of clients or length of time in the industry and this should already be enough for the client to select the cooperation or invite to the selection process together with the sketch fee.

Otherwise, the client must realize that it is a somewhat unsociable behaviour to ask someone to invest his/her art, time and effort for a quality result and work for free.
Many companies try to deal with this in a similar way, and have dozens of designs produced, from which they may not even choose, in case and mainly because this offer is more likely to be accepted by students and less qualified candidates.

What if I don't choose from the suggestions

Another common type of question and concern, but understandable. Anyone entering unfamiliar ground may have these fears or uncertainties. A good guide is the references offered, from which one can already get an idea of what kind of outcome to expect. The best reference is, of course, a recommendation from a friend or someone who has experience with the service. In all my time (over 15 years in the business) I have only dealt with resignations due to dissatisfaction in a few cases.

Therefore, I try to follow a few guidelines:
1. Understand the client's ideas well.
2. Marketing analysis to better understand the client's goals and customers.
3. Clear definition of price and term (or from-to).
4. Openness to new approaches and perspectives.
5. Ongoing communication with the client throughout the job.
6. In case the client is not satisfied, I will revise the proposal or prepare a new one.
7. I do not restrict proofreading, I work to the client's complete satisfaction, because a satisfied client is always happy to return.

What equipment do I work with

I work on a MAC platform with original graphics software from Adobe (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop), Office (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) and programs like Sketch and InVision, Trello and of course pencil and paper:) For graphic work and creativity, MAC is the ideal tool, thanks to its higher productivity, reliability and significantly more comfortable operation (thanks Steve:).
There are no problems with documents from the PC platform (MS Office, photos, texts, etc.).

Zjistěte, jak pracuji

Zde si můžete přečíst obecný postup spolupráce, který se však v detailech může lišit podle toho, zda chcete připravit vizualizace, objednat grafické práce nebo obrazy.


Zadání – sdělíte mi, nebo napíšete co nejlépe Váš požadavek, abych si mohl udělat představu o časové náročnosti a rozsahu projektu a mohl Vám vytvořit nezávaznou cenovou nabídku. Čím více informací mi poskytnete, tím lépe pro obě strany. Předejde se tak případným nedorozuměním a vše si ujasníme hned na začátku.

Na základě Vaší představy Vám zašlu nezávaznou Marketingovou analýzu. Tu vyplníte a pošlete mi ji zpět emailem. Z této analýzy vyplynou Vaše představy a požadavky. Pomůže také, pokud mi pošlete odkaz na Vaše webové stránky a sociální média, kde se prezentujete. Máte-li letáky, brožury nebo jiné marketingové materiály, určitě se na ně také rád podívám. Požadujete-li schůzku, můžeme se domluvit (ideálně na on-line schůzce) a vyjasnit si základní věci a odladit zadání.



Odsouhlasení ceny, záloha – vše si vzájemně odsouhlasíme, u větších projektů budu požadovat zálohu ve výši 50 %, stejně tak jako v případě Vaší první zakázky.

Termíny – sdělím Vám přesný termín či náročnost celého projektu. Pokud by vznikly během projektu nějaké změny v zadání, termíny upravíme. Spolehlivost je pro mě (i pro Vás) důležitá.



Práce na zakázce – pokud vzniknou jakékoliv nejasnosti v průběhu spolupráce, budu Vás o všem co nejdříve informovat. Důležitá je i Vaše součinnost a dodání všech podkladů v domluveném termínu. Na větších zakázkách spolupracuji s kolegy. Ohlídám součinnost celého týmu. Komunikovat budu s Vámi vždy já.

Vyúčtování – pokud je projekt rozdělen do více fází (což u větších projektů vřele doporučuji) mohu fakturovat jednotlivé fáze zvlášť. Na vše Vám vystavím klasickou fakturu se 14 denní splatností.


Klienti a jejich názory

Zpětná vazba od klientů je pro mě velmi důležitá, abych Vám mohl stále poskytovat co nejlepší služby s přidanou hodnotou.

Staňte se i Vy mým spokojeným klientem

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